Maybe Not
At Will's last counseling appointment a couple of weeks ago, the counselor seemed more respectful and kind than she had seemed at first. I an not sure if she still backs her initial diagnosis of ODD. We did supply her with lots of early documentation from his grade school education and previous counseling episodes.
After reviewing all of that paperwork and talking to William a few times, she believes he has an attention problem. She wants him to have a medicine evaluation with a psychiatrist and do a trial on ADHD meds.
I have really mixed feelings about this. I have always thought that meds should be a last resort, and when he took meds during 1st and 2nd grade, they seemed to do more harm than good. He is older now though, and there are better medications available now; and if there's a chance that this will help him, I support him trying it out.
Of course, he's spent most of his life hearing me proselytize against the indiscriminate use of psychotropic medication. Well, he's heard me rant about the overuse of all pharmaceuticals. Not having the benefit of a medical education or much life experience, it turns out that he is much more staunchly against meds than even I am.
I've suggested that he read up on ADHD, on the biology and chemistry of the disorder, and then go ahead and see what the psychiatrist suggests. He's a smart boy. He can comprehend the science behind it. I also disclosed to him my recent softening on the subject.
I just want him to have the best possible foundation for a healthy and successful life.
After reviewing all of that paperwork and talking to William a few times, she believes he has an attention problem. She wants him to have a medicine evaluation with a psychiatrist and do a trial on ADHD meds.
I have really mixed feelings about this. I have always thought that meds should be a last resort, and when he took meds during 1st and 2nd grade, they seemed to do more harm than good. He is older now though, and there are better medications available now; and if there's a chance that this will help him, I support him trying it out.
Of course, he's spent most of his life hearing me proselytize against the indiscriminate use of psychotropic medication. Well, he's heard me rant about the overuse of all pharmaceuticals. Not having the benefit of a medical education or much life experience, it turns out that he is much more staunchly against meds than even I am.
I've suggested that he read up on ADHD, on the biology and chemistry of the disorder, and then go ahead and see what the psychiatrist suggests. He's a smart boy. He can comprehend the science behind it. I also disclosed to him my recent softening on the subject.
I just want him to have the best possible foundation for a healthy and successful life.